CSAs Are Not New

There is an old ideology called ‘Collective Agrarianism’ that is being presented as something new to replace Capitalism by left-wing ideologues.  (In Canada it is called Community Supported Agriculture, acronym: CSA)  As an offshoot of ‘Agriculturalism’ it harkens to a peasant-utopian-communalism as advocated in ancient Chinese philosophy.  It over-romanticizes the tilling-of-the-soil and labouring-in-the-fields while de-emphasizing modern farm-commerce modalities.

Not to be confused with communism, communalism shares many of its same attributes.  The two definitions are barely delineated from each other;  “….communalism is the common ownership of property, while communism is any political philosophy or ideology advocating holding the production of resources collectively.”  (1)

Older folks can still recall the repercussions of China’s abrupt turn to the countryside and Communism in “The Great Leap Forward”, where from the mid-1950s to mid-1960s it contributed to tens of millions of Chinese citizens starving to death. (The death toll is estimated as high as 45 million in some records).  It was documented as the largest famine in recorded history.  (2)

Following these horrors was China’s “Cultural Revolution”, a concerted effort to preserve and enforce Communism, which saw hundreds of thousands of city-dwellers forcibly sent to the countryside to labour in the fields, ostensibly to learn Agrarianism, in an effort to curb capitalist ideology and individualism.  Economic activity came to a standstill, history was erased, cultural material destroyed, and young people were employed to ravage and radically rebel against society and violate any citizen deemed bourgeois.  “Struggle sessions” were used as a form of psychological humiliation, persecution, and torture in the effort to reform minds.  (2)

In China, what was in antiquity penned as a utopian philosophy, guided by benevolence, became in modern times a regime of oppression under an iron fist.  History shows that Collective Agrarianism and Communalism may sound ideal at first, but their tendency to transgress into Communism does not bode well.

(1)  Wikidiff.com – accessed Aug 15/21
(2)  Grada, Cormac 2007, “Making Famine History”
Journal of Economic Literature, JSTOR 27646746, Wembeuer
Felix and Dikotter, Frank 2011, “Sites of Horror: Mao’s Great Famine, The Chinese Journal.
Wikipedia.com –  accessed Aug 18/21,
Pachen, Ani and Donnelley, Adelaide 2000, “Sorrow Mountain: The Journey of a Tibetan Warrior Nun”,

NDP Roots in Canada

In 1933 the “Regina Manifesto” was adopted by the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) at its first national convention in Regina Saskatchewan.  One of the stipulated goals of the manifesto was to destroy capitalism and replace it with a socialist system.  The League for Social Reconstruction (LSR), founded in Montreal and Toronto in 1931-32, largely written by Underhill and Scott, strongly influenced the CCF.

The Regina Manifesto called for “a planned and socialized economy in which our natural resources and principal means of production and distribution are owned, controlled, and operated by the people” and a nationalizing of everything, including the banking system. (1)

It also vowed that “No CCF Government will rest content until it has eradicated capitalism and put into operation the full program of socialized planning which will lead to the establishment in Canada of the Co-operative Commonwealth” (2)

In 1956, because of strong anti-communist sentiments, the CCF replaced the Regina Manifesto with a more moderate sounding declaration called the “Winnipeg Declaration”, (it is ironic that it was called a manifesto in the first place).   Its full name the “1956 Winnipeg Declaration of Principles of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation” was adopted at the 1956 national convention.

The CCF ostensibly chose to soften their image, however many of the same players remained.  The “Winnipeg Declaration” remained the statement of party principal, and that of their new founded party; “The New Democratic Party” (NDP) in 1961.  This declaration remained with the NDP platform until 1983 when they replaced it with a “Statement of Principals”.

This “Statement of Principals” appears much in the same vein as the other documents, but with fuzzy edges.  However, softening and re-wording does not change its central tenets.  Leopards cannot really change their spots.

(1)  Co-operative Commonwealth Federation preamble
(2)  Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Section 14

History Repeating

The Left-wing ideologues will tie in with any organization that appears to be against “The Man”.  They infiltrate for the purposes of forwarding their agenda, and what happened to the BLM movement is a perfect example of this.  If they cannot overtake, they will create chaos and confusion, disintegrating and transforming any original peaceful rally to their own purpose.   Antifa does this spectacularly.

They have effectively adapted themselves into the environmental movement, spanning the energy sector, resource extraction, manufacturing, and agriculture.  They have infiltrated the ‘super-structure’; the schools and universities, policing, hospitals, prisons, and government.  They are now in the process of trying to control speech and thought.

The tactics are outlined in the Communist Manifesto, and it is a well laid-out plan for world domination.  Initially, everything in the grand transformation is packaged as benevolence, as it malevolently seeks full control of the most intricate details of everyday life.  Self-sufficiency and self-reliance are not necessary because ‘the state’ will be in control.

The question they fail to address however is;  just who exactly will be in charge?   Even Vladimir Lenin discovered this to be an issue and is why he instituted “The Vanguard Party”; the grand committee of overlords.  As Lenin decided, “it will be a government FOR the people, not BY the people.”  Stalin took that idea to a whole unthinkable level, followed by Mussolini, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot.

As history folds back onto itself, it is the duty of Elders who have knowledge and experience of such things to explain the dangers to the younger generations.

Who is Steven Guilbeault?

Steven Guilbeault is a French-Canadian, schooled in political science.  He is interested in preserving French culture and language.  In 1992 in his early 20’s he attended Rio de Janeiro’s Earth Summit, along with Laure Waridel, Sidney Ribaux, Patrick Henn, Francois Meloche, and Beth Hunter.  In 1993 on the heels of the Earth Summit, Guilbeault, along with these five individuals founded the organization “A SEED”; “Action for Solidarity, Equity, Environment, and Development”.  It was incorporated as a non-profit in 1995 and officially changed it’s name to “Equiterre” in 1998.  Guilbeault sat on the board non-consecutively for many years.

(Earth Summit was formerly called “UNCED”; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.  They are the group that outlined Agenda 21)

In 1997 Guilbeault joined Greenpeace Canada, in charge of their climate-change division.  He was a campaign director and in 2000 was a bureau chief.  In 2001 he was arrested for mischief for climbing the CN Tower in Toronto ahead of a conference on climate change.

In 2005 he coordinated the climate campaign for Greenpeace International.  He resigned from Greenpeace in 2007.  In 2008 he returned to Equiterre, where he stayed until 2018, before running for office in 2019.

Equiterre has been employed by the Quebec and Canadian federal governments as a certified body to conduct “energy audits”.   (ironically, the Trudeau administration is currently looking at doing energy audits for private residences)

Equiterre also managed a community-supported agriculture system (CSA – also called communal Crop Sharing) of farms and consumers, including households and institutions.  It is noted that CSA’s principles have many similarities to Communist ideology.

The research shows that, amongst other concerns, CSAs are not fair to farmers.  They are based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, encouraging new forms of property ownership where land is held in-common by a community, which leases the land to farmers (very much like a tenement farm system).  Steiner encouraged the idea that a network of human relationships should replace the traditional system of employers and employees.  That the economy should not be based on profit.    Actual profits are then to be called “rents” and trade is to be in “shares” – similar to a barter system.  “Shares” of a CSA originally and predominantly consist of produce and farm products.  The consumer pre-pays to the farmer and receives food in return annually.  “Shares” may also be traded by “free labour” to the farm.  Where have we heard all this before?

Since Guilbeault only left Equiterre in 2018, it is reasonable to assume he endorses this type of Marxist economy.   From Earth Summit and Agenda 21, to Equiterre, Greenpeace, and communal CSAs, Canada’s Heritage Minister has an interesting history.


Entryism” is a political tactic used by radical groups to infiltrate larger, more acceptable organizations and gain power.  The most famous example is the “French Turn” a tactic recommended by Trotsky to take over French labour unions in the 1930s.  Those practicing “Entryism” hid their real identity in order to take over.  In other words, they pretended to be something else: center leftists, benign socialists, anything but Trotskyites.

They joined French workers’ organizations so they could push them towards Trotskyism through stealth and intimidation.  The question for our time is  “Is Entryism still happening?”  If you define it in broader terms than Trotskyism, the answer is yes.  For example, in the United States, leftists have changed the Democrat Party and pushed it toward Socialism.  It isn’t the old Democrat Party anymore.  It is the party of “The Squad,” all of whom are socialists and radicals. Entryism worked.

Locally, we would be well advised to watch for entryism in all its forms.  If an organization talks about collectivism, communalism, redistribution and breaking down free enterprise, then Entryism may be at work.  The most important thing to remember is that “Entryites” are not going let you know their real purpose.  That is the danger.  American socialist Norman Thomas said, in 1944:  “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism.  But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America (sic) will be a socialist nation, without ever knowing it happened.”   Entryism at its finest.

Mysterious Phenomena

There is mysterious phenomena at play when workers transform from a Capitalist system to a Communist system.  This is evidenced in the latter by a lack of productivity and loss of natural incentive.  Can this be solely the workers’ lack of ownership in the process, or might there be something additional at play?

To answer this one may look at human psychology, specifically human relationships.  When one toils for one’s self or family, natural altruism is a factor.  However, it could be argued that there is also a certain sense of altruism toward one’s community.  But that idea does not translate fully between the scenarios.

For example, a “breadwinner” may be self-compelled to work sixteen hour days under grueling conditions but will not willingly do so under force from others.  That is a given, but it still does not explain the basic scientific reason.

For this one may turn to physiology and measure the hormones released through repeated positive human connectedness.  This connectedness is driven by mysterious phenomena, which humans call love, and the release of serotonin from bonding, through reciprocal acts of appreciation, within close knit familial units.  With this reasoning and context, it may be scientifically rationalized that labour under the Communist system is driven by fear and force, while labour under the Capitalist system is driven by love and reward.


Communist Stealth

Communism seldom announces itself, nor does it walk through the front door waving it’s banner.   It always arrives by stealth, in disguise, slithering through a crack in the back door.   It invites itself to sit at your table and drink your tea, all the while politically corrupting your children under the buffet.   It mollifies with gifts as it connives to steal them back, just as it connives to steal your inherent freedom.

As it distracts you, it infiltrates your governmental bodies, charity foundations, and international banking systems in its quest to subjugate and dominate from all angles.   In its triumph, it will install its flag over your house.

Communism does not seek equality, it seeks equity;  your equity – for redistribution.   The equity you’ve worked a lifetime to build, the sacrifice of your sweat and time; for the love of your family.   This confiscation is to be given to others “according to their need” regardless of yours.   But who is the “Grand Decider” in all of this?   It doesn’t say, because it never says, and the plan will not be uncloaked until it is too late.   Unfortunately, by that time the free-market system is a distant memory and you will have already become “comrade” in  the Great Collective.

The Transition Network

What is The “Transition Network” ?

The Transition Network is a global organization appearing to disguise itself as an environmental movement “transitioning” from “Peak Oil” to alternative energy. It was founded by Rob Hopkins, a U.K. activist, in Totness England in 2007. It presents itself as compassionate, enlightened, and progressive, but once you research the organization and discover its underlying principles, you soon learn that it is not.

It is in 50 countries, including Canada, and plans to turn communities in those nations into “Transition Towns.” Victoria, Duncan, and Nanaimo have all been certified “Transition Towns.” Becoming a Transition Town means that the Transition Network provides collectivist practices and politics according to a well-established plan. They do not present themselves as Marxist, but their principles are far left and often directly Marxist.

Communalism and collectivism, as well as re-education, are fundamental practices of the Network. These are, of course, Marxist strategies.  Some local activist special interest groups deeply imbedded in Cowichan Valley politics, are connected to the Transition Network. Declaring “Climate Emergencies” and receiving grants and funding for their leftist education programs is fundamental to their work.

The Transition Network is anything but benign. Although they present cleverly, they have a well documented and formulated plan to alter our society beyond recognition along “green” “collectivist” and Neo Marxist lines. Like so many other similar organizations, the Transition Network’s collectivist mandate is a threat to free enterprise.